Monthly Archive:: March 2013

MMA Club

Working a triangle submission Sean Byrne Are you interested in learning martial arts but aren’t willing to pay the expensive gym fees? Join the Saddleback MMA club that’s

Improv Club

Branden Truman, KC, Brandon Sloan, Parker Crowley (Christopher Reza) Shannelle Sanchez If you’re in the mood for a good laugh, then you have to see the Saddleback Quipsters

Changes coming to Priority Registration

Michael Grennell California community colleges announce priority registration changes. On Wednesday morning, California Community Colleges Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Special Programs Linda Michalowski spoke to members

Landscape Designers Club

Club members (Shirley Smith) Shirley Smith The Landscape Designers Club meets under the shade cloth in the Saddleback College Nursery. They meet every other Thursday from 12 p.m.