Summertime sanctuary counters springtime stress

McKenzie Sixt

Daylight savings time is now in full swing allowing the days to pass with a few more hours of sunlight. But is it just me or does it still feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get everything on that to do list accomplished?

An average day to do list: gym, school, bank, feed and walk the dogs, meet with friend to study, work, get gas, homework, laundry.

These tasks seem to be running my life lately. Even with a “to do” list and the extra hours of sunlight it is difficult to cross everything off the list before 11 p.m. on any given day.

“I’m so tired,” is a phrase mumbled too many times a day during the constant battle with fatigue and stress.

Every second of the day seems to be scheduled in order to accomplish tasks that are necessary, but not particularly enjoyable. At the forefront of these tasks for some might be school, work, or the tedious errands like going grocery shopping.

School consumes endless hours a week with projects, presentations, tests, reading, and homework.

College students should spend anywhere from 30 to 45 hours a week studying, not including regular class meetings, according to This is based on the idea that each unit of credit should be met by two to three hours of outside of class work per week.

Sorry to disappoint you instructors, but the reality of those hours being met is slim for most students. After an entire day at school, work, and running errands, the last thing on the mind would be more school work.

Yet, school work is never ending. With project assignments and homework there is always something that could be done. This adds chronic stress to everyday until the due dates.

School is a constant stressor that contributes to sudden outbursts of rage at unsuspecting and undeserving victims. A simple question asked my mom, “What time will you be home for dinner?” received unnecessarily harshly toned complaint.

Letting out stress on others in everyday encounters creates an unappealing image of ourselves and hurts the other person.

Stress can seem to make people very selfish in some situations. It makes us focus on only our own problems and disregard how others will be affected by our actions.

During stressful times, like last week, this week…and probably next week my mind seems unable to stop thinking and planning.

Not even sleep or the weekends can provide sanctuary. Sleep becomes a hassle, because it takes so much effort to not think about anything and just rest.

Due to lack of sleep the late nights and early mornings do not make for a pleasant week. That is why I am so grateful summer is right around the corner.

Only three more weeks of classes is an encouraging thought when paired with the memory of hot summer days consisting of something not often found during the school year, nothing… 

