Marvel VS DC: Which rules the comic book world?
Alright Gauchos, let’s talk nerdy. With the recent releases of Spiderman for the PS4 and box office hit Venom, Marvel continues to win over audiences everywhere. Unlike DC, which seems to be feeling the effects of Thanos’ devastating snap, as both lead actors, Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, are hanging up their capes.
But first, let’s talk about the discourse. It’s not a big surprise these two major franchises have been rivals for nearly 80 years. Although DC became a household name in 1934 with their first publication of New Fun Comics, Marvel would become a worthy opponent only five years later with their introduction of the Human Torch in Marvel Comics. Ever since then, both comic book publishers would release new content and introduce new heroes.
Until April 1996, when the publishers acknowledged the rivalry and pitted their characters against each other in DC VS Marvel Comics. The first ever universal crossover written and published as a joint project by both companies. It was a limited series with only three issues where the audience would determine who was the dominant company. Spoiler alert: it all ends with a draw.
Marvel and DC would continue their competition from pages to TV and finally on the silver screens.
Which brings us to the heart of this article: Marvel overcomes DC.

Now before pitchforks can be raised and torches lit, Marvel has a much larger appeal towards audiences. From TV show programs dating back to the 60’s to blockbuster movies to video games, Marvel knows exactly what they’re doing and what the fans want.
DC is desperate to copy this format, but they keep missing the mark drastically.
Phillip Haroutunian, a history major here are Saddleback said, “For movies, Marvel knocks it out of the park, even without comparing it to the DC films. Marvel created this massive, connected universe over 18 generally solid films. DC tried to immediately jump into the same thing without building it up and just floundered from the start.”
Writers for Marvel know how they want the storyline to go and deliver it flawlessly.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is spread across three phases: the standalone films, the sequels, and the “where everything goes to Hell but gets better at the end” movies. A fourth phase is currently underway, which will bring new and old superheroes into the limelight. Kevin Feige has confirmed Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and – spoilers – Spiderman: Far From Home will be apart of this fourth phase, with hopefully future crossovers with the X-men universe.
As Marvel seems to have its plans drawn up and cemented, DC is grasping at straws.
With box office flops Suicide Squad and Justice League, just to name a few, DC is desperate to kickstart a popular franchise that gathers all the famous single heroes and place them in an “invincible group,” just like the Avengers. But DC just can’t seem to unwind itself from the “dark and gritty” themes.
Lita Underwood, a computer science major, said, “I think Marvel overall is better since they manage to weave comedy with dark/serious storylines successfully, while DC I feel has tried to make their mainstream movies too gritty and edgy so they contrast with Marvel’s.”
In this everlasting game of popularity, neither Marvel or DC can officially reign as number one when both franchises have such devoted fans.
But in the meantime, we can only hope Wonder Woman will continue to be DC’s saving grace and Aquaman will be the company’s redeemer that it so desperately needs.
In regards to Marvel, I can only finish with this: “WHAT THE H WAS THAT ENDING??”

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