Increasing amount of petitioners at Saddleback College
Saddleback College has too many eager students and not enough classes which leads to the issue of petitioners.
Over the years educational budgets have lowered leaving the school with less resources.
“Over fifteen students petitioned the class and only one student received an add code,” Sarah Santoyo, pre-calculus student, said.
The ratio 15:1 makes the success rate very slim and difficult for students to complete their general or major related classes.
“It’s nearly impossible to get into my math class. The class fills up almost immediately and the chance of petitioning is close to 0,” Natalia Pourazar, student, said.
“Now have to wait till next semester to take my math class,” said Pourazar, “It puts me behind a semester.
Due to the large numbers of students petitioning causes delayed transfers and hopeless students.
Some classes even went to the extent to have a no petitioners sign to avoid the petitioning process completely.According to Joy Seminic, Secretary of Admissions and Records, over 25,075 students are enrolled at Saddleback as of this year. With a large student body classes are left to first come, first serve leaving the rest of the student classless.
“My English was full but I e-mailed my teacher and I was in the top of the list to receive an add code,” Miguel Ramirez, sophomore, said.
“I got the class!” Said Ramirez, “It saved me from getting behind in credits.”
To help this problem in the future students should sign-up for classes on time. To help the petitioning process an e-mail to the teacher before hand may give one priority over those that just show up.