Get back to reality… take a break from technology

Anna Gleason

What do the hum of Led Zeppelin, the buzz of the Star Wars’ theme, and the sweet sound of David Boreanaz all have in common? For me, they are all about taking time away from the real world.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all of these things: listening to Zeppelin on my iPod, hearing the “Empire Strikes Back” theme every time my phone rings, and watching Bones every Thursday night (all simultaneously, of course). Yet every once in awhile, I sit and think, what am I doing here?

We humans put so much emphasis on being connected to the rest of the world that we try everything in our power to be on top of the technological curve. This, however, tends to cause us to be further from everyone, rather than closer. Think of it this way – if you’re on your computer, listening to your iPod and watching TV, you’re probably not connecting with any other form of life. Except perhaps for the mold that is growing on that pizza box that’s been sitting on your coffee table for the last 10 days.

Now, I’m not telling you to start an anti-technology revolution and sacrifice your gadgets to the gods of technology, but I think it’s time we all take a break.

How many of you can survive a week, or even just a day, without your beloved iPod or cell phone? I would have to include myself in that category. I feel like I’m missing a limb if I leave my phone at home for an hour. If you’re like me, right now you’re probably getting an anxiety attack just thinking about the slight possibility that your cell phone isn’t in your pocket. Go ahead and check, I’ll wait. I wouldn’t want you hyperventilating while reading this.

Now is your chance to rebut my theory that our generation can’t go a day without technology. Take some time off, go down to the beach with a book, and just sit and read, with no distractions, and nothing to connect you to that oh-so-precious Internet.

When was the last time you went out with your friends and didn’t text the cute guy or girl you met in the bookstore, all the while pretending to read “War and Peace.” When in reality, you thought Tolstoy was a type of vodka rather than one of the greatest authors of all time.

Here’s a challenge: get out that pen and paper and dust off that box of your mom’s old stationery and write someone a letter. Everyone looks forward to going out and checking the mail on the off chance they are getting news from an old friend and not just another bill.

Go out and make some human connections. If anything, you’ll probably work off those pounds that you gained sitting in front of your television playing “Gears of War” and eating that bag of mini Mounds bars you stashed at Halloween.

None of us needs to be connected to really be connected. It’s human interaction, not technological interaction, that makes us who we are. No matter how much you wish and hope for it, your iPod is never going to love you back. But your friends will.

