Behind the scenes
A cool, dark movie theater and the entertainment of a film, or lack there of, can provide viewers with a simple, hour and a half vacation from reality. However, there is much work that goes into creating the sanctuary a well-done movie can deliver.
For Trevor Parker, a Saddleback College film major, 19, love for the work of creating a movie came by chance.
“The first film class I took was as an elective and just to get credits,” Parker said.
As the first semester of Parker’s film class progressed, so did his unexpected passion for movie making, producing, and directing.
The artistry of photography and the challenge of thinking of creative ways to take shots is what Parker came to love about filming.
“I never thought film would become such an important part of my life,” Parker said.
His life has certainly changed for the better as Parker now embraces film outside of the class room.
“The friends I have from film are all sexy,” Parker said. “Our photography skills are badass.”
He shares his love of film with friends when they go out on photo shoots. These photo shoots are never complete without Parker’s Cannon D60, the lens through which he expresses his creativity, always at his side.
Film has given Parker a new outlook on life, as well as movies. He now knows the details and work that goes into making each shot; leaving him with a more professional eye than the average movie goer. With that new knowledge, the Oscar for Best Picture would have turned out quite differently, had it been left up to Parker.
“I was pissed Black Swan didn’t win,” Parker said. “That film was impressive and inspirational.”
Parker also gained a lot of useful knowledge that he applies to everyday life.
“I have learned that I need to stop messing around and buckle down, not only with film, but in life in general,” Parker said.
Currently, Parker is putting his determination from this new-found work ethic into a new film, “Clash.” They will be entering, “Clash,” in film contests including the Newport Beach Film Festival in April. Follow their film progress at
“I cannot wait to see the final cut of ‘Clash,'” Parker said. “I love seeing all the different aspects that go into shooting come together to create an impressive film.”
With inspiration from directors such as Martin Scorsese, Parker wishes to progress in the film industry, gaining knowledge and experience to apply to his ultimate career goal of making films.
On his path to professionalism, Parker has hopes to join a studio and shoot weddings, events, and commercials. He also continues to take photo and film classes at Saddleback.
Parker realizes that his path to professionalism will not come without hard work, and determination, but “it’s all worth it in the end to see the final product come together just right.”