TASTES Health Matters
New 2015 dietary guidelines for the American public.
One out of three Americans suffer from high blood pressure, and nearly 400,000 people die every year from of it, according to a new report issued by a nutrition advisory panel.
The 2015 Government Health Guidelines brings to light and warns the American public of the increased risks of eating disorders and their links to many diseases including cardiovascular, strokes, kidney, and diabetes. The study emphasizes that Americans are eating too much sugar, salt and saturated fat instead of foods that fall into healthy dietary patterns like fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts and fish.
It also recommends better diets like the Mediterranean one, which is associated with lower health risks. The American Heart Association also suggests the use of olive oil, a monounsaturated fat, does not contribute to a rise in cholesterol. This is shown to be a factor in lower incidences of heart disease in these countries.
Also recommended by the GHG study is the daily practice of exercise, which helps to reduce cholesterol, unclog arteries, and release toxins from joints.
The report also recommends reducing the amounts of rice, bread, and processed foods which worsen cardiovascular diseases.
For more information about the reports please watch this video.
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