FACES Top 5 Most Outrageous Ben Carson Comments
Top 5 most outrageous Ben Carson comments
1. Carson on the Oregon college massacre: “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me.”
Are you kidding me! Should we at all times be on the ready with an AK47 and a thousand rounds?
2. Carson on the Obama Administration: “We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”
Click the link here for the full video.
These comments made by Ben Carson in an interview in March on Breitbart.com, did not provide in any way, the reasons of why we should be afraid to ‘tell what we actually believe’. Can you give us any numbers on political prisoners, executions or labor force camps in the U.S.? Furthermore, who started the Patriotic Act and the dynasty of telephone tapping and electronic hacking?
3. Carson on Muslims: “Believers in Islam should not be president.”
Are you kidding me? Guess what, then some believers should not be able to participate in the electoral process, and therefore, immigrants of some faiths should be denied visas and not allowed into this democratic country.
4. Carson on Obamacare: “The worst thing” that’s happened in the U.S. “since slavery.”
He said at the Values Summit in Washington
Are you serious? Even worse than the Vietnam War? Or, the New York Trade center towers catastrophe?
And the law is already benefiting more that 14 million people, half the number of the uninsured it intended to help (34 millions.)
5. Ben Carson on Jews: “They could have prevented the Holocaust if the had guns.”
As offensive as these comments may be during a CNN interview for the Jewish community, he bypasses a huge fact, that the ban by the Nazis was bias and meant originally to prevent Jews to owe them.
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