OPINION: The struggle of “adulting”

Many young adults are discovering the difficulty of being an adult as they come across simple tasks like properly filling out a check. (Katie Groat / Lariat)

Many young adults are discovering the difficulty of being an adult as they come across simple tasks like properly filling out a check. (Katie Groat / Lariat)

No one really taught us how to adult properly, so when the time comes to step up and pay rent, have a 9-5 job and get your life together many “adults” find themselves using social media as a joking platform for their lack of knowledge on how to complete adult tasks.

With the lack of home ec classes, an understanding of money and home maintenance 18 years just isn’t enough to figure out how to complete these day to day “adulting” situations. The hashtag “adulting” isn’t the only thing that is rising with popularity from these misunderstandings. Obesity and sickness are currently on the rise as well. Unable to cook a healthy meal on their own, young adults are finding themselves driving through the nearest McDonalds for a hot meal. 

“The adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high schools rose to an all-time high of 82 percent. This indicated that approximately 4 out of 5 students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of the first time they started 9th grade,” said National Center for Education Statistics

Once a high school diploma is received, many find themselves asking whats next? Leaving only the school systems to blame for the decreasing amount of classes that give students the opportunity to grow up with the knowing of how to simply sew on a button or cook a healthy meal.

An education should involve learning life skills that a person will carry with them after college in order to navigate relationships and careers and be a well-rounded, successful person” as written in 20 Life Skills Not Taught in School, SuccessfulStudent.org.

Unfortunately, high school is not properly preparing students with what they will need when they are on their own. Without developing the skills we need to carry us through life, young adults are left to figure it out themselves and are not always doing such a great job. With such an incredible ability to share through social media, these day to day unknown struggles are really showing as young adults continue to hashtag “adulting.”

