OPINION: Pro-rape group plans meeting at Irvine Spectrum


Social media icon and blogged, Roosh V., sets the Irvine Spectrum as the location for local meetup. The meeting is geared towards pro-rape, anti-feminist followers of the website Return of Kings.

Roosh V., a pro-rape hook up artist, sets the Irvine Spectrum as the location for local meetup.
The meeting is geared towards pro-rape, anti-feminist followers of the website Return of Kings. (RooshV.com)

Return of Kings, a pro-rape neomasculinity group, members set the Irvine Spectrum as their meeting place to discuss their pro-rape agenda. The meeting was cancelled due to a lack of safety felt by the the groups leader.

“I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most of the meetups can not be made private in time,” said Daryush Valizadeh, founder of the group.

The Irvine Spectrum meeting was to gather the official group members for face-to-face meetings. Since online members do not get to meet in person, the gathering was to create personal contacts. According to the website, the group excludes any man who is not heterosexual and those who support feminist views. The Irvine Police Department posted on their Facebook page dealing with the possible meeting.

“To alleviate community fears, the Irvine Police Department will have additional uniformed officers at Irvine Spectrum during the meeting hours,” posted the Irvine P.D.

Valizadeh is a self-published author including his “pick up bible” Bang, and Day Bang, a guide on how to interact with women in broad daylight. The contents of these books cover topics from how to speak with women with the goal of having sex with numerous of partners by the end of the night.

Valizadeh  blogs and advertises his motives on hook up tips and pro-rape legislature. He has made the Romanian news as he talked about having sex with the natives as well as appeared on the Jerry Springer show where he faced angry Americans who opposed his views on women.

“I don’t generally agree with his views. It is stupid regardless,” said Saddleback student, Richard Pettus. “I don’t agree with lying about rape, but it is stupid to promote his cause.”

Future meetings are not confirmed on the Return of Kings website, but due to the nature of this group, this won’t be the last time we see Roosh V. and followers in the headlines.

