’DOOM Eternal’s’ 6.66 update is a bloody good time

“DOOM Eternal’s” 6.66 update is available now for free on all platforms. Bethesda Softworks
Since the release of the ancient gods – part 2 came out this March, “DOOM Eternal” players have sat, stuck in some kind of limbo wondering if any more content will come out for the game. And the wait was worth it, offering many hours of exhilarating gameplay for players that have mastered the combat loop and have been looking for a reason to reenter the “fun zone.”
The team at id Software took it as a chance to bring some more content to the game in the 6.66 update a variety of post launch content for concurrent single-player players has been added including two new master levels for mars core and the world spear and the awaited horde mode.
The horde mode game mode consists of three missions, each with three different areas separated by a blitz (kill everything as fast as you can) round and a traversal round. It leaves the missions with good pacing between fighting for your life and just screwing around, so that you don’t feel exhausted.
id Software has been focusing on the pacing of their levels since the earlier updates in which large battles happened one after another making players get brain dead before they finished the level.
It only took around three to four hours to complete the game mode including optional challenges. But this is a game mode where multiple playthroughs are encouraged as it is a leaderboard chaser’s dream.
On nightmare difficulty, horde mode will definitely test your skills with the final area containing waves of enemies that will bring your extra lives from 20 down to seven in a blind of an eye. However, the bonus rounds in between the fights, even though they are there to give you a breather, feels like a waste of time.
There are some blitz rounds that satisfy the demon slaying bloodlust with fun gimmicks such as repeatedly using the hammer, introduced in the ancient gods – part 2, to destroy stone imps.
But the bonus rounds that involve running around an area collecting coins as fast as you can, are boring and only produce the feeling of wanting to move onto the next area as soon as possible.
The master levels in the update are crafted beautifully. The levels contain whole new encounters to the previously amazing base levels. The difficulty spikes are extremely different when comparing the two levels, as mars core feels like a playground, while the world spear feels like a gauntlet of challenges.
Of the two levels mars core feels like the most fun. The encounters feel fair yet challenging. And there were the fair share of ego stroking encounters, such as the infinitely respawning BFG ammo room, where large groups of demons continuously respawn.
Crashes hindered the experience of playing on the world spear, and without a save point on master levels it becomes a “ALT+F4” moment. But with the roster of DLC demons on the level, id Software was able to create some encounters that both make you feel like God and question your life choices.
id Software released a community update that there is a crashing problem on PC that has to do with the new versions of NVIDIA drivers. They told players to revert to older divers until an update that corrects the issue comes out.
The update taking a bit longer to release then previous updates is a welcome change as it gives players plenty of content to squeeze into their playtime rather than the only one master level that would come out with the updates.
“DOOM Eternal” has had some of the best post launch content for a AAA game. id Software’s love for the game and community really do show through the updates they put out. And the 6.66 update solidifies that bond of trust the community has with the developer to put out amazing content.
The update brings more “DOOM” for the increasing player base and meets the desires for players for who’s skill levels have exceeded the base game and want a new challenge. It is a great reason to come back to the game for the players who have taken a break.
Updated Wednesday, November 17 at 12:13 p.m. to fix spelling mistakes.
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