The Great 948
Many Orange County citizens gathered at The Irvine Great Park Art Exhibit on Sat. evening to admire the public Masonite-tile artwork.
Members of the community decorated tiles with their favorite places and times. Popular tiles depicted Mickey Mouse, beaches and some even contained poetry.
Across the wall where the tiles were mounted, “Orange County is 948 square miles, and in the heart of those 948 miles is the Great Park.”
In the heart of Orange County, citizens of all ages stopped to admire each others’ favorite places.
“The exhibit’s primary purpose was to build community with inter community. This is a proven model that works, people decorated something the same size with their favorite place and time, and turned it in to allow others to reminisce about good times and places they have been,” said Kristina Colby, a Great Park Gallery Associate.
“It turned out to be a lovely night, the weather is perfect, and the artwork is beautiful. I am happy to see so many young people interested in art,” said Gary Stewart, a citizen of Mission Viejo.
It is not too late to pick up a Masonite tile and decorate it. The exhibit is showing every Sat. through the end of Oct.
Tiles are available at the Great Park during the week. To submit a tile, be sure to turn it in before Thurs. to add a decorated Masonite tile to the community wall, to be viewed by fellow citizens in the heart of Orange County.