Special Topic Grant deadline passes

Sarah Black

The application deadline for turning in ideas for ASG’s Special Topic Grant ended September 30.

The Special Topic Grant is “designed to award new and innovative campus programming that directly benefits students,” said ASG. The grant will invest $10,000 for the chosen project and is intended for student-related activities. The grant will be chosen for the 2010-2011 school year.

The idea came from the ASG leadership group and is for people, “looking to start a program,” Erin Long, InterClub Council Adviser, said. “Something that benefits the campus.”

The topic was service learning, a method that allows students and others to learn by doing, for example, to learn about the environment importance of community service and enforce learning experiences and civic responsibility.

ASG’s intent for the grant was to “prompt the creation of substantive and rich service opportunities on campus,” said ASG. And while instruction cannot be funded by ASG for this grant, ASG expressed their hope that campus partners will come forward to provide ideas regardless.

The grant will be funded by ASG, which is in turn funded by the district from contracts. Once the grant has been awarded the recipient will be given flexibility to spend the awarded money on the student-oriented event.

The applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Budget Steering Committee (PBSC), said Long. PBSC is run by Gretchen Bender, the director of planning, research, and grants, and Fiscal Director Carol Hilton.

The applications should be brought up in the next PBSC meeting, said Bender, and they will work with an analyst to choose the application that is right for Saddleback campus.

After an application is chosen, it is up to the clubs or division awarded to put on the event themselves.

“Student Development will notify each grant recipient of the award via e-mail no later than October 29,” said ASG.

