Wanna participate in Saddleback College’s Easter egg hunt?

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From April 1-31, Saddleback College will be holding a special Easter egg hunt around the campus. All students, faculty and staff can join in this fun and exciting event.
The event will only occur during school hours. This is the first ever egg hunt to be held at this campus, something that everyone is sure to remember for months. It is also a way for everyone to really look around and enjoy the beauty of our campus. The activities of the event are as follows:
It will be a very special Easter egg hunt—with this hunt, you will be looking for over 400 eggs. Within these eggs, will be various grand prizes, to let you know—not every egg will have the same item inside them.
A red egg contains a brand-new iPod and a gift certificate to Star bucks for $100. Blue eggs have Disney tickets—good for any two days of your choice, parking included. Green eggs have mid-term or final test skip passes. Yellow has a special pass in it—it is a lunch provided by the school president and you get to join him in his office. The eggs are small-sized and once they have been redeemed, they’re for you to keep.
All eggs will be hidden throughout the campus, so keep a careful eye out for them. The only rules are no fighting, stealing, you must remain safe at all times and good luck. Once you find an egg, bring it to the admission office, so they can sign it off and you can take your price home.
Remember, it starts today and ends on the 31. Go solo or with a friend, have fun and good luck.
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