Saddleback College ASG wants you to “Make A Pledge”

Elizabeth Ortiz

 Make A Pledge, sponsored by Saddleback’s Associated Student Government Campaign was created to encourage students to “make a pledge” for a cause or purpose that will better themselves, their school, their communities, and/or their world.

“Our goal is to provide students with volunteer & educational opportunities to get involved in the world around them,” said ASG Director of clubs and Organizations, Shay Sharp.

Sharp developed this campaign to make a difference in the community as well as for Saddleback students.

“Make a pledge allows us to be ourselves and help the community,” said Administrative Coordinator for International Diversity Council, Shivani Khosla

This sentiment was shared by Director of Publicity and Public Relations, Maddie Hernandez.

The Make A Pledge Campaign will consist of various non-profit organizations, cause-based organizations/vendors, charities, Saddleback clubs, and Saddleback’s student government that will each have representatives to host an information table. Representatives will be provided with space to set-up their organization’s materials, literature, items to sell, donation boxes, and volunteer sign-up sheets. After visiting the various organizations’ tables, students will be able to “make a pledge”and add their pledges to the “Pledge Wall” which will be visible in the Quad. In addition to the various organizations’ booths, there will also be a blood drive, food truck, entertainment, and cause-related speakers at the event.

“Bend your mind, fold some paper for the organization “Cranes for Cancer or make a pledge and donate blood, you may save a life,” said Director of Events, Shayan Akhavan.

Two weeks ago, during our college’s Welcome Week, many students added their volunteer/pledge ideas on the “Idea Wall.” These ideas have been collected, and various organizations have been researched and chosen that “match” the volunteer interests of Saddleback students. If you are receiving this e-mail, your organization/charity is of interest to students at Saddleback! For this reason, we would like to have your organization join us for our Make A Pledge Campaign!

