Saddleback and Irvine Valley College news is found at various Lariat stands on both campuses
There are about 20 kiosks and news stands on the Saddleback College campus and about eight at Irvine Valley College where one can pick up the latest issue of the Lariat. (Elizabeth Ortiz)
Students that work on the Lariat cover news items related to Saddleback College, Irvine Valley College and surrounding areas.
” Distribution is one of the most necessary ways students get there work out to the public,” Lariat Instructional assistant, Ali Dorri said.
Distribution day is on Wednesdays and it takes a group effort to get the papers out on time.
“The imagery of campus life is accurate and reflects the students here on campus,” long time student of a year and a half, Anabol Santos said.
Santos has interest in developing graphic art work in the many news sections that the Lariat offers; News,Opinion, Life,Sports and Community.
“Reading the Lariat helps readers get well informed about campus life and the surrounding community,” Editor in Chief, Michael Grennell said.
This is his first time being Editor in Chief after three semesters.
Picking up a copy can be obtained on campus or forty dollars for a years subscription. It can also be read digitally on line or via tablet.