Public smoking ban implemented in Dana Point

City of Dana Point Ordinance No.18-02 designates public smoking illegal on Feb. 15

Dana Point Mayor Richard Viczorek amended chapter 6.40 of the Dana Point municipal code on Jan. 16. Ordinance No.18-02 established that residents and visitors of Dana Point are entitled to be free from secondhand smoke and also prohibited smoking in public places and around hazardous fire areas.

Smoking will be permitted in private residential properties and within moving or stationary vehicles. Hotel owners or operators inside the city limit can choose to permit or prohibit smoking throughout their private property. Restaurants and business are not allowed to provide ashtrays for their patrons.

The Dana Point city manager is responsible for posting “No Smoking” or “Smoke-Free” signage throughout public areas to enforce the ordinance. The Dana Point Fire Department is responsible for identifying and providing signage that states which locations are hazardous fire areas.

Any entity of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, peace officer or fire code enforcement officer can enforce this ban after Feb. 15. A fine not exceeding $100 will be enforced for first-time violators and a maximum fine of  $200 will be assessed for subsequent violations. Individuals smoking in a hazardous fire area will be considered as guilty of a misdemeanor.

