Orange County Sheriff’s Department and FBI hold terrorism assessment drill

Orange County Sheriff Department mobile command center. May 1, 2014. OCSD preparing for FBI joint terrorism assessment response to be taken place at The /Shops, Mission Viejo. Calif. (photo/Marivel Guzman)

Orange County Sheriff Department mobile command center. May 1. OCSD preparing for FBI joint operation terrorism assessment response, to be taken place at The Shops at Mission Viejo. Calif. photo by Marivel Guzman

In cooperation with the FBI, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will be holding drills at The Shops at Mission Viejo tonight.

OCSD Sergeant Victor Pablo said they have set up base at Saddleback College’s parking lot 9, and later tonight they will assess terrorism response capability in a joint operation with the FBI.
“This area (Lot 9) is easily accessed for responding agencies,” Pablo said.
The simulated trailer will be conducted after the mall closes tonight.

“We work closely with all agencies if something of this nature happen,” he said.

Pablo added that OCSD was invited by the FBI to participate in the terrorism assessment drill about a month ago.

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