MUN team receives awards at regional competition
Three students from Irvine Valley College’s Model United Nations team received awards for their exceptional participation at the American West Model United Nations Conference, Nov. 22-25, in Las Vegas. The Associated Students of Irvine Valley College presented the awards on Jan. 27.
Stephanie Romano received two awards, a first in IVC-MUN’s 13-year history, the Distinguished Research Award for the Organization of American States and the Distinguished Delegate Award in the same committee. When asked how she had the tenacity to win two awards, she said, “MUN is literally our life.”
Elizabeth Evangelista received the Distinguished Research Award in the General Assembly, 3rd committee.
Chad Houghton received the Outstanding Delegate for the Security Council, the highest award received in his committee.
The conference included 15 colleges, 11 of them four-year universities. Stew Frame, an advisor, summed up the overall conference experience by saying, “it’s a lot of fun, but it is also a lot of work.”
The award ceremony ended when advisors Traci Fahimi and Stew Frame presented MUN’s ASIVC Honorable Mention Award for 2008 to the student council and thanked the council for their continued support in all MUN endeavors. IVC accepted the award at a conference in New York after competing against 240 other colleges, the team represented Qatar.