IVC’s Health and Wellness Center provides free or low-cost services

IVC 2014 Campus Map

This map provides a visual overlay of the entire campus.

Irvine Valley College, while not as large as Saddleback College, does have some of the same services beneficial to its students including the Health and Wellness Center, located in the back of the Student Services Center.

The health and counseling services provided by IVC are available to all students who are currently enrolled at the school, paid for through a semester-based health fee. There are also doctors on staff who accept visits by appointment.

The medical and psychological aid and treatment methods are provided to students at no cost for most appointments. Certain screenings, like blood tests and pregnancy tests, are provided for a minor fee.

Nancy Montgomery, the director of the Center is currently working on developing a crisis intervention group to identify and aid students in need of immediate assistance and either provide it on the spot or connect the student with a doctor or service to address the issue.

“Getting students connected with support services that they have open access to” is a current goal of Montgomery’s for the Health and Wellness Center.

In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 the Health and Wellness Center must maintain student privacy in relation to their personal health information and students must sign a sheet that advises them of their rights when it comes to their health information.


