Despite rain classes will stay in session

Flooding and puddles in the quad, a central student hang out spot on campus. Maren Schwartz/Lariat

Saddleback College president Elliot Stern has sent emails for each day the campus is affected by rain, informing staff and students about class-related updates. For now, no classes have been canceled.

“Last semester, classes were canceled for power outages,” Stern said. “Our campus has aging infrastructure and an aging central plant due for replacement in the next few years. We have progressed in addressing some of the problems that caused these power outages, resulting in no power outages since that time.” 

Stern clarified that although classes were not canceled directly because of the weather, the weather caused the outage. Stern expects classes to proceed as anticipated.

“I do not worry if classes will be canceled,” said Mark Combs, a Psychology Professor, on Feb. 6. “I go with what I am doing. Unless, of course, the weather today, I will not do an in-class activity in case some students cannot make it to class.” 

Some staff commute to campus and find it easier to cancel classes or move them to Zoom to avoid uncertainty. 

In addition to staff and faculty, students are affected by the last-minute notice that classes may be canceled for the day. 

“I wake up early to get to school because I live 25 minutes away,” said Sara Mirabella, a first-year student. “I have to leave earlier than the normal person. I do not want to get to school and find out my classes are canceled.”

Although classes have remained in session, it may not be easy to find out if a class has been canceled besides checking for email updates.

