Baha’i Club to host Interfaith Panel

As part of Diversity Week, Saddleback College will host its first, and possibly only, Interfaith Panel hosted by the Baha’i Club on Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Student Lounge.

Tibetan Buddhism, Saddleback Bible Crew, Islam, Latter-Day Saint students and Baha’i Club will all have panelists representing their faith.

The panel was introduced as a way of bringing campus community life together, said Baha’i Club Officer Mehrsa Imani.

The event will start by giving an overview of each religion,. Specific questions about the afterlife, science, religion, and the role of women will be asked, and the panelists will answer specific questions from the audience.

The panel is meant to be a learning experience, said Imani, so people can better understand others’ approach to building communities.

The event is not for religious debate, said Imani, but for the encouragement for the discussion and understanding of others’ religions and cultures.

For more information on the Interfaith Panel, go to to contact the Baha’i Club leaders and advisers.

