A grand reopening for Saddleback’s art department

Fine arts gallery on Saddleback College’s campus by Amber Reed | Lariat
Saddleback’s very own fine arts gallery makes its reappearance on campus as of Sept. 17 and will be open through Nov. 12. The gallery features art made by KC Rosenberg and Modesto Covarrubias, as they navigated the struggles of the pandemic. The art highlights expressing anxiety as well as forgiveness through the reconstruction of household items in order to create new interpretations.
“Our art is a combined way of looking at the world,” said Modesto Covarrubius, artist in the Saddleback art gallery.
The gallery has unique pieces and includes many placards to explain the thought process behind each piece of art. Some of the more intricate pieces took nearly a year and a half to build, as many small pieces needed to come together for success. This was especially difficult during lockdown, as the two artists had to find ways to combine their work without physically being together.
“My favorite is the Cold Comfort series,” said Hayli Cuevas, student and employee at the fine arts gallery. “They’re so colorful and fun.”
Throughout the pandemic, creating art with another has become difficult, yet these two artists were able to work together to create deep meanings and bring skills that helped one another learn. When speaking with artist Modesto Covarrubius, influence was brought up a lot which makes these pieces of art so unique.
Covarrubius explained that both him and KC’s art styles were rather different, and noticed his style being influenced after the collaboration. KC’s style includes more color, which Covarrubius has noticed more of in his work. The art gallery has a wide variety of pieces, all of which are exceedingly different from each other.
Their work is unique because of how they influenced each other, and how they both brought skills that highlight what they do on their own time. Many pieces of art are available to see, and admission is free with signing up. Masks are still required, and social distancing should be followed when indoors on campus.
“The collaboration is extremely unique,” said Christian Torbensen, visitor at the Saddleback art gallery. “There’s a piece of art for everyone.”
Some pieces were created during the pandemic and some art, like the Cold Comfort series, was made rather recently after lockdown. With the recent reopening, Saddleback College is hoping for more visitors and more attention around the art gallery. With free admission, entrance is very simple, and guests can safely social distance and still enjoy the art.
Many classes at Saddleback College have attended the gallery, along with students and friends however with altercations in the world, not as many visitors have come. The gallery is non-profit and encourages education especially within the community. Most of the collaborative pieces are meant to reassign meaning, and create new interpretations for viewers.
More information regarding the gallery and working there can be found in the art gallery display and exhibition design. Hours run from 4-7 p.m. and will be open through Nov. 12. The gallery also holds workshops and special events for individuals to attend and gain knowledge of traditional and contemporary art.
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