5 traffic tips to know

A Saddleback College police officer writes a parking ticket to a Jeep parked illegally.(Niko LaBarbera)
Parking at Saddleback College can be costly if the rules aren’t precisely followed. Parking tickets are distributed by campus police on a daily basis, and finding one on your windshield can be as upsetting as receiving a bad grade, except it’ll cost you some cash.
These tickets may be frustrating, but they are avoidable. Rather than reading all 9 pages of parking and traffic regulations on the Saddleback police website, we here at the Lariat have chosen five of the most important traffic and parking regulations you should know.
1. Section 411: All vehicles shall be parked clearly within a designated parking stall.
The term to focus on is “designated parking stall.” All student drivers know what it’s like to be late for class and left scrambling for a parking spot. Although student drivers find clever ways to park in unmarked spots, if you do you may be subject to a ticket.
2. Section 412: All vehicles shall be parked heading into a parking stall.
Backing into your parking spot makes life easy when leaving school, but there’s also a good chance you’ll get a ticket for doing so. It doesn’t matter whether your in an angled spot by the tennis courts or in parking lot 10, expect a ticket if you back your car into a parking spot.
3. Section 414: No vehicle shall be left parked on campus after 11 p.m. or before 6 a.m., except by special permit.
This may seem like a no brainer, but if you’ve ever contemplated leaving your car at the school while you and your buddies grab a drink after a night class, do so with caution. If you leave your car after 11p.m. it will most likely be towed by the time you get back to school.
4. Section 202: No person shall ride a skateboard, roller skates or roller blades within the confines of the campus.
This may be a surprise many students. While this regulation may not be strongly enforced at Saddleback you may want to get off your skate and walk next time you happen to be passing a school officer.
5. Section 406: No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle in any area where the curb is painted red, regardless of whether or not the vehicle is attended.
Many student drivers like to get to school early to stake out the parking situation. This usually occurs in the form of waiting in our cars at the back of the parking lots until we see a spot open up. While student drivers will continue to wait in red zones to find parking, be aware that if campus police see you they may write you a citation.
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