Update: What to bring to the Area 51 raid

What Naruto runners are forgetting in their plan to attack the illusive military base.

By X51 (Flickr), CC BY-SA 3.0, Area 51 warning sign.

Internationally, the Area 51 raid gained attention. Originating from a Facebook group, the event will take place on September 20. The government outwardly warned against the raid,

“[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,” a spokeswomen told the Washington Post.

Even with federal warnings and the creator even acknowledging the event as a joke, thousands of people still plan on attending the event in Nevada, evidenced by the fully booked hotel and camping ground of the only hotel in the area. If you are one of the thousands, please consider bringing or acquiring the following in order to make your experience as enjoyable as possible.

  1. A hotel reservation or an RV

At this point, it will be almost impossible to reserve a room at any hotel near the event, but it doesn’t hurt to try so that could be an option for some. However, renting an RV would be a practical alternative considering that the Extraterrestrial Highway is public land available for campers according to travel sites such as roadtrippers.com. Plus, it would make a nice hiding spot for an extraterrestrial friend.

  1. Nonperishable food

Besides the small town of Rachel, grocery stores, restaurants and food delivery services are far and few in between. Even if you did find a restaurant it will probably be crowded by hundreds of other raiders. Therefore, bringing your own food with you would be your best bet instead of waiting in a mile long line while in the sweltering heat.

  1. A first aid kit

Whenever a large crowd gathers, whether it’s for a concert, festival or any sort of public event, first responders are necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. Of course, those willing to risk their lives to rescue aliens may not care as much about safety. However, those only going to observe people Naruto running into the U.S. Air Force should be aware that an actual emergency may leave the few first responders spread thin.

Therefore, when planning what to bring, a first aid kit may be valuable for the potential of smaller injuries.

  1. Some form of entertainment

Any sort of road trip can be torturous for those not accustomed to driving nine hours through the desert. Borrow a book, buy a movie, download some music, all great options to entertain oneself before and after the actual excitement of alien contact.

  1. Someone to bail you out of jail

Raiding a highly classified military base, along with being extremely dangerous, is definitely illegal. Those willing to unmask such an operation are not only risking their lives but their freedom so having someone’s number in case will be beneficial in case there are actual arrests made. It also would be beneficial to learn transparency jutsu in this unlikely event.

News outlets and those uneducated in the world of Internet memes may not take this raid seriously, but either way, people are going to show up and they will want to see some aliens. No matter if the crowd reaches ten or 10,000, those going will have more to think about than just if they can make it past the military.


The much anticipated “raid” occurred as planned; however, it was far less intense than we all imagined. The area surrounding Area 51 was not equipped for the large crowds they estimated, some believing this would be a Fyre Festival 2.0. However, predictions of 5,000 turned out to be very wrong as only 2,000 people were reported to be in Rachel; although still a big turnout for the small town, it did not come close to what was pledged.

As for the actual raid, only 150 people were reported to be near the base. Sophia Rodriguez, a Saddleback student who actually attended the raid.

“Not many people showed up, they definitely were able to stop us. We’ll have to try again some other time,” she said.

2 million people pledged to attend this event, however the lack of commitment proves how Internet promises do not translate too well to actual action.

