Speaking up on having Down Syndrome

Little Miss Smile aspires to be an actress (Courtesy of Jessica)
Little Miss Jessica Morgan, a gal with Down Syndrome, aims to inspire many as Saddleback College’s 88.5, KSBR radio host, Dawn Camber interviews her for the weekly talk show called Collage.
This 24 year old with blonde hair and blue eyes stays active while spreading this message, ” Be who you want to be and live life more positive.”
“I was inspired by the interview,” said Camber. ” I have always wanted to interview someone with Down Syndrome,to help bring awareness to those who may have this condition or someone they know.”
Playing sports, riding horses, and even participating in competitive ballroom dancing are just some of the activities that Jessica Morgan is known to do, all while having a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.
Symptoms include decreased muscle tone at birth, excess skin at the nape of the neck, small ears, small mouth and upward slanted eyes. Most children with down syndrome will never meet there potential height. Children also may have delayed mental and social development and common problems may include impulsive behavior, poor judgment, short attention span and slow learning. – PubMed Health
Support for families is available at the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County which has been the Morgan family’s go-to-place. This is where they met Lisa, who has an 11 year old boy with Down Syndrome, named Cooper.
“One of the most common causes of human birth defects is Down Syndrome and occurs in approximately one in every 733 live births. said DSAOC board member and family friend, Lisa Lillienthal. ” I was scared but chose to move forward so I started to get prepared by researching and finding support. Most diagnoses occur at birth,” she said
The DSAOC is the only county wide organization dedicated solely to serving Orange County’s Down Syndrome population and their families.
” I don’t feel different and try to stay positive when others treat me different,”
Said Jessia Morgan. ” I just try to be who I am and want to help other people do the same.”
Living in California Jessica’s dream is to be an actress. She started acting classes and her mom said she hasn’t looked back ever since.
. She is currently promoting an independent feature film that will be submitted to film festivals and can’t wait for the cast screening.
One of the questions Camber asked was to name a favorite role she would like to play.
” I have always wanted to play Carrie, the horror girl.” Said Jessica Morgan with a laugh.
She also describes working at Fashion Bug, the market, and at schools with children and loved that job best.
” What I want to do most is to help kids realize how important it is to be the person they want to be,” said Jessica.
She also takes an active role in raising money for the DSAOC center.
To answer any questions or assist in guiding you, contact www.DSAOC.com or call 714.540.5794, Costa Mesa