Local hero Christoper Quezada talks about his favorite place and how he likes to have fun for a night out

Christopher Quezada holding a koala

Marine Corps infantry team leader veteran, Saddleback College alumni, and now one of Orange County’s newest and finest firefighters Chriroper Quezada. This man’s resume is not one to scoff at and neither are his skills on the dance floor and the art of seduction. 

The 29-year-old with the face of a fresh college grad, tattoos like a biker, and an honest child-like spirit has lived a life of danger and selflessness but still knows how to have fun. When he’s not fighting fires and saving lives, he’s either quenching his thirst or watching Letterkenny. 

Hey man, how have you been?

What’s going on? I’m a little tired but I can’t complain. How about you?

I’ve been good, a lot more busy recently but it’s all been good. 

I totally understand man. Also, I’m ready when you are!

What’s been your go-to spot when you go out for drinks in Newport Beach and the Costa Mesa area?

I’d have to say Woody’s Wharf has been my favorite spot. I love the older women, and they love me! I’m talking 40 to 50-year-old women that are preying on the younger men in there

That definitely sounds like an interesting time, to say the least. How would you explain the nightlife here in Newport and Costa Mesa to someone not from here?

I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the nightlife there is pretty boring honestly. The drinking scene here is far more appealing than most places but still has the right amount rachetness to it to be fun.

Well said, well said, we are super lucky to be in Orange County out of all places, especially at around our age! What’s your favorite way of having fun out here when you go out?

My absolute favorite way to have fun is meeting up with my old friends from the Marines and getting drunk while we reminisce on our most hilarious memories while in service. It’s just so ferda, I love my boys so much. Also as mentioned before I also like to be pursued by older and wealthier women, great time! 

That sounds like one of those sleepovers as a kid when you’re all supposed to be asleep but instead, you guys keep saying the dumbest things that make laugh so hard you all start to cry! Is this part of the reason why you like to keep going out in Newport or is there more to it?

It’s really just the fact that you never know what’s gonna happen, You could meet a celebrity, watch a fight, or you and the boys just end up hammed at Taco Bell.

I see, keeps things interesting. So if you only had one place to go out to in Newport then what would it be?

Woody’s Wharf brother. It’s way too ferda.

