Improv Club

Branden Truman, KC, Brandon Sloan, Parker Crowley (Christopher Reza)

Shannelle Sanchez

If you’re in the mood for a good laugh, then you have to see the Saddleback Quipsters in action. The Quipsters, is what the guys in the Improv Club call themselves. They’re quick witted and comical, a couple qualities that are needed to join the Quipsters. The club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Business and General Studies building, Room 356. 

Branden Truman, club president of Improv Club, puts exercises together each practice for the guys to run through. Truman arranges their practices with a bunch of interactive, but quick thinking exercises. 

If you see them in action, you might recognize a few of the exercises from a certain show.

“A lot of our inspiration comes from ‘Who’s Line Is It Anyway’,” Brandon Sloan, 21, theater arts said.

The club’s advisor is Maria Mayenzet, who Sloan said is an ex-Hollywood actress ,and a current film and acting instructor at Saddleback College.

The Improv crew welcomes anyone who can keep up with their quick witted personalities to join them during their club meetings. If you think you’re quick witted and funny, then you should definitely stop by and join in on the fun. 

These gentlemen just recently launched their Youtube channel called Saddleback Quipsters, so check it out:

For Saddleback clubs:

KC and Sloan (Christopher Reza)

