Finals: Prepare from the start

Calculus equations and note references lay across page of a graph notebook that is resting on loose leaf paper notes(Daniela Sanchez/ Lariat)
Finals are nearing. While others are preparing for the holidays, Saddleback students will be gearing up for finals week.
Jillian Chapman, a 26-year-old English major, tutors students in humanities at the Learning Resource Center at Saddleback. She said studying with other people is helpful because everyone has certain learning types. Some are visual learners, while others are auditory learners. Self quizzing also gives students insight on what concepts they need to focus on. For her, she likes to collect her notes from class and rewrite them.
“Just the act of physically writing it down helps your brain to remember the information better than just reading it off a screen or book,” Chapman said.
Math Instructor Larry Perez gave advice that we could all use before picking classes.
Most students choose what goes best with their sleeping habits and work schedule. However Perez said that this is not the way to go. Doing the best on your finals actually depends on what day your finals are scheduled. The trick is to choose classes with final exam periods that do not overlap on the same day.
Having multiple finals on the same day is not ideal because there is not enough study time for each subject. When choosing your classes look on the description to find out the dates of the finals. Choose classes where there is enough time to study between final exams.
“Start talking to your employers and ask if you could take time off,” Perez said.
He learned the self study and disciplined habits while he was in the navy. Perez also advised students pace out their study sessions, for math, the test dates are given out ahead of time. So write the dates on a calendar and and make study periods for each test.
Perez has a website called algebra2go where students can look up notes, practice quizzes, video lectures and other college math resources.
Math instructor Karla Westphal got all of her students to write their contact numbers on a list on the first day of class.
“There is a place for students to list their name, phone, email, and also to
indicate whether they are interested in forming a study group, Westphal said. “Signing it
is entirely optional, as I know and respect that some students may prefer
not to give out their contact information.”
This list that everyone has access to eliminates all the anxiety built up when you attempt to make a study group. It is easier to make a group chat and start a study group. Students also can find someone to call if you are running late or missing class. With this list students are able to create a collaborative google doc.
Google Docs is a service from Google that allows you to make written projects that one can access on any computer with internet. Google docs is available on your phone, so students can write essays on the go . The thing that makes Google docs really unique is that one can share their documents with fellow students and work on the same document simultaneously.
Students can write their own share of notes throughout the semester. So anyone who didn’t understand the lecture or missed on on class can use it to their advantage. It is also good for collaborating on projects and midterms.
It is very handy to have flashcards out when you think the professor has said something important. Jot down key phrases that the instructor repeats. The accumulation of flashcards over the semester will end up as study set that took minimal effort to make.
This next tip is also based off of consistency. Read the lecture notes everyday as it adds up. Students can avoid cramming because they are constantly familiarized with the class material.
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