Top 10 ‘Star Wars’ songs that will give you chills

John Willams is a maestro. Creating popular themes for franchises like “Indiana Jones,” “Harry Potter” and “Jurassic Park,” he enjoyed a seven decade career and continued to preform at places such as the Hollywood Bowl annually, until his announced retirement this year. In honor of his legacy, here are some of William’s greatest Star Wars songs.
10: “Across The Stars” | Anakin and Padme’s love theme
This theme was crucial in the second prequel movie “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones”. When Anakin was with Padme on Naboo and also before going to the arena on Geonosis.
A lot of people liked this song but it was not a huge song that people would listen to all the time.
9: “Yub Nub” | Ewok Victory Theme
The way the “Star Wars: Episode VI final – Return Of The Jedi” original trilogy film ends with the Rebel Alliance defeating the mighty Empire resulted in a party fit for a Wookiee on Endor. Fans loved the song after they watched the movie and it’s still very popular with older fans and fans of the original trilogy.
8: “The Pit of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assault”
This scene is the first epic battle in “Star Wars: Episode VI Return Of The Jedi”, as it gives you suspense up until heroic droid R2-D2 shoots Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber at him to start an epic fight on Jabba’s sail barrage. Luke, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian go to take on Jabba The Hutt’s goons and save Leia from Jabba The Hutt!
7: “The Force Theme” | Luke’s Skywalker’s Theme
The force theme is played whenever Luke Skywalker is on the screen. It first appeared in the first movie “Star Wars: Episode VI A New Hope” when Luke looked out to the horizon. The force theme is known widely by Star Wars fans across the world and loved by many and gives you chills when it is played.
6: “Anakin’s Betrayal” | Order 66
Order 66, one of the most brutal scenes in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge Of The Sith” in all of the movies, is when the clones turned against their loyal Jedi commanders and killed them without thinking. This song is also known as Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark side of the force. Anakin marches into the Jedi temple with his clone battalion. The song works well if you’re walking into an arena for a big game as it could get someone hyped.
5: ”Cantina Band”
Oh the Cantina Band, despite it only being a short three minutes of music it’s the type of music you can use at any barbeque event or at a pub. Just make sure to not lose any arms when you play this song. A fun fact about this song per the CBC Cantina Bad actually has a real name which is called “Mad About Me”.
4: “Battle of the Heroes” | Anakin vs Obi-Wan
The final fight in what was supposed to be the final episode of the Star Wars Saga delivered! Fans loved the acrobatic and swiftness of the former Jedi Padawan and his master. The score for this final fight shows why it was titled “Battle of the Heroes”.
3: “Duel Of The Fates” | Darth Maul fight
One of the most iconic fight scene songs is “Duel Of The Fates” as for the first time ever we see a two on one lightsaber duel with Darth Maul, the villain with a double bladed lightsaber, taking on Qui Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi in what is the climax of the first movie. The song is sung in Sanskrit and has an amazing vocal performance along with being another brilliant piece of music. Per IGN Duel Of The Fates is based on an old Celtic Poem called The White Goddess.
2: “The Imperial March” | Darth Vader’s Theme
The main theme of the dark lord himself was made throughout “The Empire Strikes Back” and through to Star Wars: Episode III Revenge Of The Sith. Most fans know this song of the theme of Vader and people have made rap songs with the beat of the Imperial March or remixes of the song. Per IGN The Imperial March didn’t exist until “The Empire Strikes Back”
1: “Main Title”
The main theme that everyone knows even if you haven’t seen Star Wars people will hum it, but each era of Star Wars from the originals to the prequels and the sequels has a different style of instruments that play the main theme. Yes it might be the same theme but it will be different for each era of the films.
Let me know what your top favorite songs are in the comments.
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