Stephen King’s “A Jumpscare”

The lovable killer clown is back with more jump scares.

The Losers Club returns to a waiting Pennywise 27 years later in “It Chapter Two” (p/c Warmer Bros.)

The Losers are back to fight the clown again in a gruesome, jump scare filled, semi comedic, love story. The second and final installment of Stephen King’s “IT,” directed by Andrés Muschietti, brings Billy (played by James McAvoy), Beverly (Jessica Chastain), Ben (Jay Ryan), Eddy (James Ransone), Mike (Isaiah Mustafa), Richie (Bill Hader) and Stanley (Andy Bean) back to Derry 27 years later to fulfill the promise they made to themselves.

“It Chapter Two” used the same style as the first movie but more organized and predictable in terms of knowing when a scare is coming. Bouncing between their childhood and adulthood, the Losers Club tries to remember their haunting summer of 1989 in order to kill Pennywise (played by Bill Skarsgard) once and for all.

The never ending chain of jump scares seem corny yet effective and fun when they get you. It’s a horror movie for people who don’t like horror movies but still want the bone chilling heart pounding moments from the big screen.

Almost every scene that has unsettling music playing louder and louder leads up to a quick 30 second scare before the scene comes to a close. Hard movie critics will have a field day.

Major statement made in the screenplay is the acceptance of the LGBT+ community. From start to finish, the movie made it a point to be inclusive for the changing times.

To enjoy this movie, you must give in to it and enjoy the easy jump scares. If you are looking for a nightmare inducing horror flick, “It Chapter Two” is not the movie you are looking for. Blood and gore mixed with an insecure killer clown will have you laughing at times because you can’t believe you let it startle you.

