For those about to rock, we salute you

Anna Gleason

Calling all classic rock fans.

Are you looking for something to shake up your solemn routine of listening to the same bands over and over again? Tired of all the trendy “hip hop” music floating around out there? Want to put some pep back into your classically stylish step?  Well then, I have just the ticket for you. I present to you The Pleasant Return.

With a mix of classic rock and a blues undertone, you can’t go wrong. Lead singer
Jay Buchanan, will serenade with his Robert Plant-esq voice, drawing listeners back in time when bands ruled the world. Having Scott Holiday on guitar, Robin Everhart on bass, and Miley on drums, on adds to the band’s strong sound and great beats.

Sure, it’s not like their music is some brand new form that no one has heard yet, yes, it’s been done before, but when The Pleasant Return does start to play, they do everything right.

Not only are the members individually amazing, as a collective, they mold together just like the great bands that came before them. Watching them play, and listening to their sound, is like being there with Dylan, Zeppelin and the Stones all rolled into one.

So where did I find this band that I speak so highly of? Where else, but the House of Blues in the city of angels, Los Angeles. I went for a show that my cousin had suggested, assuring me I’d have a good time, and with most new bands, I said yes, but didn’t get my hopes up to high, I really don’t like being disappointed. If anything, it was a free ticket to LA, so why not. As an added bonus, we hung out with the band beforehand and had dinner with them. So what if they aren’t Led Zeppelin, because rock star mystique is still there.

Not only was I surprised by how good the band was, I found myself uncontrollably dancing along with the music. Rarely do I listen to bands and enjoy every single song they play. Usually, if you’re like me, you like the majority of the songs, but there are some that just don’t quite cut it. Well, believe me, there was none of that. I could listen for hours and not get bored or tired of their music.

With all this positive feedback, there has to be a catch right? Well. Yes, but not a very bad one; as of yet, the band is unsigned and doesn’t have any CDs, not even for merchandise at shows, but the silver lining is that some songs are available on their MySpace page, although a little rough, they’re still good. Another plus, the band plays in Orange County from time to time if you don’t feel like fighting traffic driving to Los Angeles.

So, if you choose to take my advice and listen to and awesome band, you can find out more information about them at

