Sudan finds itself in a world of hurt

John Fredricks

The Sudan has been fighting though the dilemmas of sky high poverty, food shortage, and unfortunate inter-ethnic rivalry that makes life in the African Nation extremely tough to get by. Not to mention the Darfur Conflict, a region in western Sudan that has been declared a humanitarian crisis due to the pro-government Arab militia’s carrying out a non-Arab ethic cleansing resulting in well over 200,000 fatalities and counting…

But even with a blanket of darkness hanging overhead, the Sudanese people got to receive a brief stint of hope in 2005, due to a $7 billion pay off in oil revenue.
With a boost of funds in the governments pocket, the people were expecting the government to use to mold the country into a more stable nation, but 5 years later and still waiting to see anything come out of it.

In some villages, the only source of food people can come up with is by grinding up tree leaves in water that has been said to result in eyesight problems.
Aid workers are claiming that the hunger will get worse with the rainy season being delayed.

Coming down to it, it should not be a surprise that the people are not benefiting from the 10 figure paycheck.

The International Criminal Court in The Hauge has issued an arrest warrant for Sudan’s fearless leader Oman Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Maybe al-Bashir pocket the cash for a few pals and himself?

The people are thinking this, and who’s to blame them when they see the government officials driving past them in elegant, brand new 4×4’s.

A report done by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs say that there is a corruption problem at all levels of Sudan’s government, including political favoritisms, pay-roll interference, and the obvious “misuse of public funds”

Maybe some good, “oil-free” things will start happening for Sudan in the future.
The United States announced a new policy last month for the nation, with strategic objectives to promote improved governing capacity.

A good place to start the policy might be with the nation’s declared criminal president….If anything, they would probably feel better not have a leader convicted of crimes against humanity…

It is unfortunate that the $7 billion slipped though Sudan’s fingertips, because it could of really improved the state of the country. The population of 42.2 million could really use functioning roads, water that doesn’t cause blindness, and a substantial food source other than leaves.

Many eyes are on Sudan at the present time, and if the country continues to put up with it’s brash dilemmas, then it will be harder for officials to make excuses on not intervening.

Sudan’s administration is under high expectation from the international community to do it’s job and improve the standard of living for the people. With pressure on the rise, maybe Sudan will be alright?

Cross your fingers and have hope.

