Guest Column

Camelia Sehat

After trying to find the small school similar to UCLA and getting terribly lost I made it to see the end of Senator Hillary Clinton’s speech.

When I arrived at the California State University Los Angeles campus to the see the extraordinary woman Senator from New York I, along with thousands of Hillary fans or supporters holding blue signs that read “HILLARY” was full of hope for the future. As the crowd bumped me I felt the excitement in the air.

She gave her speech in the main gym discussing all the issues she will handle such as ending the military regime in Iraq and the immediate return of our troops.

She also has plans to help the middle class, plans to eliminate tax cuts for those who make $250,000 a year and a plan that aims to reduce greenhouse gasses and help reduce America’s reliance on foreign oil.

As always her strongest point was to ensure that the uninsured Americans are covered under universal healthcare.

She declared that she is pro-choice when it comes to abortion, believing in the woman’s right to choose and most importantly regarding us students she said she will keep the college unit cost down, making college accessible for anyone who wishes to attend.

All of her supporter’s possessed the same stoic attitude as Hillary and they cheered wildly at what I like to say is a historic event.

After she left all of her fans stayed and continued to chant her name in hopes that she would return. This amazing woman truly shined a white light that was recognizable to the entire crowd.

The reason I am voting for Hillary Clinton is not only to stop the oppression and suppression of females nationwide but also because I have informed myself thoroughly of her background, experience and work.

When I argue with my guy friends about why I am voting her it is not because both her and I are females, it is because when I read Hillary’s autobiography (which I highly recommend) about her experience organizing all of the paperwork and writing Bill Clintons speeches I was impressed.

She also pushed the campaigns and programs forward including the program to upgrade medical care. She has always been compassionate about youth, she was during Bill’s administration and she will continue to be.

She definitely deserves to be President. For the first time America’s little girls will have a real role model to look up to, not just Barbie’s, supermodels and celebrities.

Why should women stay confused and oppressed? They say that behind every great man there is a great woman, and it is about time that women step up and rise!

