Drawing the line to society’s violence

Jessica taylor

With the ever-evolving world of technology shoving the “new and improved” forms of media in our faces – namely, violence in television, movies, and video games, as well as in the lyrics of our music – it’s no wonder our society is desensitized, demoralized, and dehumanized. The problem lies in separating our aggression in media from our every day lives.

Two Sundays ago, a Saddleback football player was assaulted by fellow classmates.

The circumstances surrounding the attack are unclear to authorities, but one thing is for sure – this should have never happened.

In our fast-paced, quick-action society, people jump to conclusions, jump the gun, and jump the kid.

What ever happened to talking out our problems? Where’s the “kumbaya” and friendship circle?

Problems that students are having these days are not problems that should be solved with fists or weapons, no matter what the circumstance is.

Whether someone keyed your car, crashed your party, or stole your girlfriend, causing physical harm on a person will leave you with an irrepressible guilt and a potential jail sentence, despite what relief or pleasure you think you may gain.

If as a college student – someone who is on the cusp of entering the professional job market and beginning the “adult” life of families and mortgages – if you are unable to see a way around violence or cannot see the other alternatives or resources available to aid and guide us, there will be some serious problems for the future of this country.

There is never a situation that will teeter so out of control that you are rendered helpless, there is always someone who can help. Parents, teachers, counselors, and even the local authorities are trained and skilled in communication of non-violent methods. For those who are too prideful to ask for help when you truly need it or to know when it is time to walk away from a violent or potentially violent situation, antoher thing’s coming.

Maybe it’s “cool” and “macho” to be a tough guy who can fight and solves problems with fists, but it will never be cool or macho to explain to future employers why you are a convicted felon.

If the urge overwhelms you to fight, you may have a bigger problem than you realize. Seek the counseling you need and know that it really isn’t being a sissy to walk away from a fight – it’s being the bigger man, and it may save you from a coma or jail.

