College panel addresses the immigration question

Monserrath Rodriquez

Last Wednesday professor of anthropology and cross cultural studies, Claire Cesareo-Silva hosted the “Who are you? Race, ethnicity and the U.S Census” event where a panel discussion was held in the room SSC 212.

Chair of the cross cultures studies program, Cesareo-Silva, and other faculty members worked with the students diversity council, who created the whole week of events to bring immigration awareness to Saddleback students.
“I think in this part of South Orange County, immigration is one of the most important topics that people look at, and misunderstand,” said Cesareo-Silva about why she wanted to put this event together, “what we hope is to do is look at some issues and help people look at it in a different way, about immigration and immigrants, race and ethnicity.”
In addition, students also gained information about the history of census, and “then and now” perspective of how the questions in the census reflect America’s views on race and ethnicity.
Kiwanna White, 36, real estate, said, “It was very informative it gave us a very thorough background on the census, and how it was used in America, how it originated.”
The event was planned a few months back and it was open to everybody- some professors brought their classes to teach on a more hands-on-manner as several exercises were performed and were many students voiced their opinion or got information about immigration, race and ethnicity.
Although the panel was not planned because of the new controversial law in Arizona, SB 1070, the topic was one with heat as it perfectly related to the subject matter.
White said, “It’s stereotyping,” about the divisive law, and added “If I was in a third world country I would want a better life. We are all human.”
Cesareo-Silva says that if they had more time a panel exclusively about the law SB 1070 would have been formed. She added, “It’s going to be really important as we move into the next years, because right now they are challenging it and all types of things are happening.”

