British Debate Team Invades IVC

Anibal Santos-Maldonado

Irvine Valley College’s Speech and Debate Team took on the British National Team Monday, Oct. 1 in the Performing Arts Center.

After debating for over an hour concerning the issues of meat consumption, IVC’s Udara Abeysekera and Jennifer Gergevich lost to the U.K’s Ettie Bailey-King and Willard Foxtor.

The statistics and the lay out of the benefits of a vegetarian diet was well explained by the IVC team, but the British team was prepared by questioning the interference of the way of life imposing veganism to cultures that rely on animal consumption.

“Meat production affects about 70 percent of our water supply,” Abeysekera said.

Once the British team took the stage, they questioned the impact that imposed veganism on cultures where raising livestock is a cultural norm.

“If this is global policy, try telling people from specific regions that only form life is raising animal,” Foxtor said.

The debate winners were decided with a majority vote by the audience standing up to show support.

After a majority of the audience showed more support for Foxtor and King, the British National Team won, and both teams ended with congratulating each other.

