OPINION: School spirit for the spirit-challenged

Taylor Rogers

In last weeks issue, there was a campus comment on school spirit and how students see it in everyday campus life.  Students were asked “Does Saddleback lack school spirit?” and the majority rule was that we just come and go here at Saddleback.

It’s just so sad to see people come in and out without really getting involved.
The lack of school spirit just seems to give the school the reputation of being a “door mat” school. Everyone seems so Zombie-esque while walking around.

Sure, its not some four-year school where every night there is a on campus event or a frat row, but I think that there are a lot more opportunities to be involved than students give the school credit for.

Getting involved, even in a 2-year college like Saddleback, can be beneficial to anyone, especially if you have a hands on career choice such as nursing or journalism.

You don’t just need to take classes to become successful anymore; experience is another thing that 4-year colleges are looking for now a days. More and more colleges look for people who know what they are doing and who have more experience heading into their field of preference. Experience is everything.

Even thought there are a lot of budget cuts and not many clubs and organizations are getting the money they need to put many fun things together, but to be involved in a group and networking yourself can be the best thing you can do this early on in your education.

Am I wrong?

It’s so sad to hear that just because we are a community college, that no one cares to be here. If you’re not happy to be here, then why are you going to school? You pay to be here, might as well have fun while you’re here.

The only time we ever see school spirit is when there is a sports game, but it shouldn’t stop there. Find a club, pick up some trash, put together a group that picks up cigarette buds (our school is overflowing with them), and wear the school colors! So what if your only here for two years (if you’re lucky) you are here, make the most of it.

There is no need for our school to lack school spirit. It’s called a Community College for a reason. We are a community; lets start acting like one.


