Obama’s address to the nation declares war on ISIL

The sun sets over the 9/11 memorial at Poche Beach in Capistrano Beach, California. (Photograph: Amarah Hernandez)

The sun sets over the 9/11 memorial at Poche Beach in Capistrano Beach, California. (Photograph: Amarah Hernandez)

Obama addressed the nation on Wednesday Sep. 10, 2014,  a day before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. In the speech Obama discussed in detail a four-point plan to cripple the terrorist organization ISIL (The Islamic state or ISIS). 

First, by implementing more airstrikes in Iraq and Syria if necessary. Second, we will send 475 more service men to Iraq with no ground combat mission in mind. Third, increasing efforts to cut off ISIL’s funding. Fourth, we will continue to give aid to innocent civilians who have been relocated by force.

Increasing airstrikes will not remedy or stop the misfortunes of ISIL.

It seems uncertain to believe that airstrikes would eliminate ISIL. The goal of destroying a terrorist organization through the air seems virtually impossible.

This isn’t a conventional war against a recognized state, this is a war against an irrational actor. This is a terrorist organization whose goals are to spread their brand of Islam through beheading, stoning, public circumcisions, and forced marriages.

Obama did not mention what our reaction would be to ISIL if the airstrikes were to escalate, resulting in the loss of American pilots. Would that lead to a full fledged ground invasion?

American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were beheaded by Islamic extremists because of bad foreign policy.

There is no way to regulate who the 475 service men are training. We could potentially be giving our weapons to future terrorists. The supervision could falter and lead to more destruction.

ISIL occupies regions to obtain oil as a reliable source of income. We should try to cut off funding by pressuring ISIL oil buyers to discontinue their sales. This could result in a lack of funding for weaponry that is fundamental to ISIL’s reign of terror.

